Quite a few articles and books have been written on various aspects of gilt leather. The most important titles can be found here, together with various articles which can be found online. This list is not complete and will be updated on a regular basis.
- 1925: H. Clouzot, Cuirs décorés, Paris 1925 (= Clouzot, H., Geschmuckte Lederarbeiten, Berlin n.y.).
- 1971: J.W. Waterer, Spanish Leather, London 1971.
- 2011: A. Schulze, Goldleder zwischen 1500 und 1800. Herstellung und Erhaltung, Markkleeberg 2011 (Arbeitsheft 17 des Landesamtes für Denkmalpflege Sachsen).
- 2016: M. Posthuma de Boer, R.M. Groves & E. Koldeweij, Gilt Leather Artefacts: White Paper on Material Characterization and Improved Conservation Strategies within NICAS, Delft 2016.
- Gilt Leather Artefacts: White Paper on Material Characterization and Improved Conservation Strategies within NICAS, Delft 2016
Historic sources
- A.D. Fougeroux de Bondaroy, Art de Travailler les Cuirs Dorés ou Argentés, Paris 1762.
- D. Diderot & J. le Rond d’Alembert, Encyclopédie ou dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et metiers. Paris 1751-1772. Supplément ‘Dorure sur cuir’, Paris 1776.
- J.A. Vermeulen, C. Jacobs, J. Versluysen, Secreetboek van Schoone diverse ende eerlijcke konsten (Manuscript in the city archive of Mechelen, Fonds lederverwerkende ambachten, no. 97).
Secondary sources
- Wivine Wailliez and Eloy F Koldeweij, Reception of an 18th century Gilt Leather in the Historicism: Fortunate Exceptions or Characteristic Examples, 2013.
- Eloy F Koldeweij, ‘Goudleren behangsels’, In: Arcadië, Alles over particuliere historische buitenplaatsen, Jrg 2 (2010) nr. 2, pp.20-25.
- Eloy F Koldeweij, ‘Gilt Leather as an Upholstery Material’, In: Anna Jolly (ed.), Furnishing Textiles. Studies on Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century lnterior Decoration, Abegg-Stiftung 2009 (Riggisberger Berichte, Vol.17), pp. 179-190.
- Eloy F Koldeweij, ‘Die Goldledertapete, ihre Geschichte und die Oranienbaumer Tapete’, In: Oranienbaum Journal, No. 1/ 07, Oranienbaum, 2007, pp.54-63.
- Celine Bonnot-Diconne, ‘La planche d’impression conservée dans l’église de La Salle-les-Alpes (Hautes-Alpes) / The printing block at the church of La Salle-les-Alpes (Hautes-Alpes)’, In: In Situ : Revue de Patrimoines, 50/2023.
- Godried Brands et al., Modular gravity-based suspension system for gilt leather wall hangings, 2023.